Climate change has emerged as a potential threat for the development journey of Bangladesh. Despite negligible contribution (less than 0.47%) to global emissions, the country is already exposed to adverse impacts of climate change. Grave impacts such as sea level rise, extreme temperature, increased frequency of cyclone and storm surges, changes in precipitation partners etc. already created great challenges for agriculture, biodiversity, health, and habitant. The success of our sustainable development efforts now entirely depends on our ability to overcome these challenges. We aim to play a pivotal role in reducing carbon emissions by facilitating eco-friendly initiatives, promoting green finance, and bridging the gap between different stakeholders.
• To facilitate eco-friendly production by utilizing digital platform
• To strengthen the capacity of financial institutions to effectively finance initiatives to tackle climate change impacts
• To facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders to collectively focus on different environment-related issues
Project 1: Linking eco-friendly producers to market by utilizing ICT
Eco-friendly products can play a very effective role in protecting life and the environment. As a result, we have decided to support business that emits less and zero carbon. Through an online platform, we will help entrepreneurs explore new opportunities to expedite their business growth.
Project 2: Strengthening the capacity of financial institutions to effectively finance initiatives to tackle climate change impacts
Banks and non-bank financial institutions play a pivotal role in facilitating different initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment. We will organize 2-3 days of highly focused training that will help bankers to come across different practical solutions and learn tactics to finance projects that will reduce emissions.
Project 3: Climate Innovation Expo
Climate Innovation Expo will facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders to spread both adaptation and mitigation technologies across the country. Besides, this particular event will also focus on policy, business, and technological issues that are closely related to green growth and sustainable development.