
Impact on SDGs :-

The establishment of renewable energy infrastructure fostered innovation and local capacity building in sustainable technologies, aligning with SDG 9’s aim of promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization.

The project provided access to clean and affordable electricity to previously underserved households, contributing to SDG 7’s target of ensuring universal access to sustainable energy.

Access to electricity empowered residents to engage in income-generating activities such as small-scale farming and micro-enterprises, lifting households out of poverty.

Reliable electricity enabled the operation of medical facilities, improving healthcare delivery and access to essential services, thus supporting SDG 3’s objective of promoting well-being.

Schools within the community gained access to electricity, facilitating the use of computers, internet connectivity, and educational resources, enhancing the quality of education and promoting lifelong learning (SDG 4).

By replacing diesel generators with solar energy, the project reduced greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change impacts and contributing to SDG 13’s goal of combating climate change.

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